Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mother, part Deux

I'm not going to say I'm surprised by this lady's reaction. I go to her house, pick up D and explain I need her to watch Tess. She says she wants to go. I offer to pay for a cab to take D herself as I can't leave Tess alone for another 2-3 hours today. Like any good mother, she threw a fit. Threw her purse and actually said, "I never get to go anywhere". Mind you she was out all morning to her own Dr.'s appointment and then to a fast food restaurant. If you ever call and find the lady home it's an absolute miracle. So she throws her fit and I say, "mom, I can only take D from now on to their appointments if you are watching Tess, otherwise I can't do it. I can't do that to an animal so the choice is yours. Either find a way to take D yourself or stay with Tess". She immediately calms down and says "fine, go". So I go. D is upset and it takes the next 5-10 minutes to get them to calm down. You're thinking, it would probably been easier to just take her and make Tess suffer...I used to think like this too. But she'll take over you're whole life where you don't have a chance to breathe as you'll be too busy breathing for her. This is a person who you cannot converse with as it always leads to a laundry list of things to do and the conversation cannot be maintained unless it's specifically and only about her... Growing up my father used to make the excuse for her that "she doesn't know how to love, she never learned how to love" ..yeah that shit gets old. That was my day.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did the right thing by setting boundries. D probably needs time away from her so it was a good thing for all the decision was made. This particular battle will probably be a little easier if you have to go at it again.
