Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fears, worries and whining..ugh.

I'm getting closer and closer to my period coming and last night I actually had a dream that it had come and it was a Friday, the day I least want my period to show up because the clinic is closed and you have to wait til Monday to be seen. In my dream I got my period as I was getting ready for work and I looked at the clock and thought if I say fuck it to work and leave now maybe they can still see me...but it brought on a feeling of anxiety and I guess it just goes to show how fearful and anxious I am about this cycle. I was reading my insurance bill last night and they sent me another $9,000+ dollar check for the doctor and I can't help but think how fast my cap has gone..I'm not even sure I'm covered for this cycle which is a hard pill to swallow. I just put in $2500 into my car yesterday and also purchased another vial of sperm last week...just one as I know how the money situation is but then again don't want to cheap out on myself and have regrets later but where do you draw the line financially? I don't want to get myself in a situation from which I can never recover. It's all just overwhelming and scary. Did I mention that I made an appointment with the acupuncturist? I did..initial fee is $175 and though I could file it as an out of deductible this year went up to $1,000...this to me sounds all like I'm playing with monopoly money. I've never been a person who spent freely and didn't budget carefully..thank God as it's saved my ass a million times..not to mention it's also saved other family member's be in a hole like this is just unbelievably scary but to not have a child is scarier so...
Aside from all the financial fears is the inevitable fear that it just might not happen. It's just a pit in my stomach thinking this just might not happen and then what do you do? A million dollars in bills, no baby and stuck in a fucked up job...too much to think about as I want to try and keep things as positive as I am I doing? Awful I know..gotta keep praying. I wish there was a sign that it was all going to be alright..childish but it's how I feel.
So today I am off to take Tess to the groomers and am meeting Mattie (at her insistence) at the foot massage place...I don't want to go but I keep putting her off and I think it's upsetting to her so...It'll help me relax and it's only $28 so...but after that...watching the pennies again..Ugh.


  1. Good luck with this month... I will keep my fingers crossed! You should try looking for a community acupuncture clinic in your area. They typically have lower fees and usually do the same kind of treatments. My acupuncturist (who is pretty amazing) charges a sliding scale of $20-$40 per treatment. It is great because I can afford to go more than once a week. It may be worth looking into. Anyway... good luck!

  2. Thank you the moms!! I actually just went yesterday for my first one and because of a fluke thing with my insurance (I considered it a little gift from God) I only have to pay 20%!!! totally do-able. I'm hoping this is the one and am feeling hopeful.
