Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Shut Up Already

My work involves a ton of talking with a ton of different people who are usually in crisis of some sort. We end up meeting about 15 people a day if not more, hearing the most intimate details of their lives, and that's not including people we speak to on the phone. There is a saturation point, at least for me and times where yes, I ignore my phone calls, texts, and emails; really it feels as if I don't want to hear or talk to one more person not about my shit or theirs...I wanna just tell people to leave me the fuck alone. Today is one of those days. Aside from feeling this way, I've mentioned before I have an illness that I don't talk about which is flaring up this week and just killing me so I'm especially grouchy. In comes my mother with dementia and my sib who is M.R. .....ugh! It's very frustrating my plan was to take the to go see my father. But of course my mother has to call saying she wants to tagalong which is just annoying as hell because it's time for us to spend with our father not for her to spend with her ex-husband but if you tell her this she'll flip the hell out.

On top of all this the handyman continues to call me regarding repairs he's working on, the other handyman isn't calling me because he's pissed I don't approve of his ridiculous ideas for repairs (dude! It's fa fucking rental...I'm not putting in top quality shit so the dirty chick who lives there can fuck it up) and I'm just exhausted...near tears exhausted...and my siblings are nowhere to be found!

Fuck I could cry...I could cry cause sometimes its just too hard...feels just too hard.

The one positive note was that after receiving a long lists of shit I needed to get done from the fertility clinic, it turns out I don't have to hunt for a GYN to do them and my regular GP was able to get them all done today...the highlight of my day...the one easy thing I got this week.

So that's that people, a bitch session and I feel a little better. Thanks

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