Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Tomorrow I go to "D"s meeting. I'm trying to remind myself to stay calm, not be defensive and not to let the ghetto in me rear it's ugly head and just speak what's on my mind...only because it wouldn't be fair to "D". I'm nervous about the meeting as in my experience, and I've done about a million "D" meetings in my life, it's always "D"s fault..even when it isn't..it's always that there's something wrong with "D" and it raises my hackles. The stakes are different this time as it's not like when I would deal with the school...school is a God given right in this country..day programs are a privelege. So I gotta shut my pie hole. Not an easy task.

On the baby making front, I went to see Dr. B on Monday as I'd gotten my period on Saturday night which was perfect...I was so fearful that it would come on Friday though my cycle really runs more like 29-30 days than the usual 28..so Saturday made it better as Dr. B had told me last time that she wanted to count my spotting day as day 1 rather than counting the first full period day as number 1. She started me on the pill that day saying that she wanted my eggs to all catch up in maturity as though I always gave a good number of eggs..good numbers weren't shit if they weren't any good...of course she said it much more eloquently and didn't curse but that was about what she related. I'm on the pill for a week and a half (until next Wednesday April 4th) and then go in to see her Friday the 6th. Good Friday..interesting.

Anyhow that's it for now...praying praying praying and just trying to be a good person and make something of this life..


  1. Good luck at the meeting for D. I'm sure you'll do well. Moving right along on this cycle.

  2. Thank you Paige...I did horribly at the meeting but shit happens and the beat goes on. Thank you for the support.
