Thursday, May 3, 2012


I get a call from my aunt...she's called me one other time in my life that I can remember. My father is sick and wants to go to the doctor NOW!! I tell her I'll call her in a minute, go to my fridge to look at the magnet of the walk in clinic to note that the clinic closes at's of course 8:30 p.m. I call her back tell her to have him get ready. I go to where he lives two towns over and call when I'm downstairs explaining there's no parking and I'm double parked please come down...Okay, 20 minutes later and one explanation to the cops as to why I'm double parked and still no father. Me and my father are not close. In fact we only started speaking to each other early last year after going about 12 years without speaking...why? the long and the short..when I was growing up my father would get angry at you and stop speaking to you...not for days..for months until you begged and begged day after friggin day for him to speak to day I decided...two can play at this don't want to speak to me..don't! and so the silence began. He finally called me at work 12 years later. So here I am at my father's pissed as all hell because really he could've taken care of this in the day time when shit like his primary doctor is open and why is it that every emergency I'm the first responder...all because I'm geographically closer and my older sibling, who lives in the city has the excuse that they don't have a car..grow up and get a car. So I go and I'm waiting and finally someone comes to say he's very weak and needs help...I say fuck it and park in a fire zone ...go up to his apartment and he's despondent...I say I'm calling 911. My aunt who has terminal cancer mind you agrees and says maybe he should have gone to the doctor's think. to cops...20 minutes and what seems like forever we got some EMT in the house...the guy is a total asshole...acts like an asshole to my father and tries to asshole me and gets a piece of his ass ripped open...he tries to give me the business...he gets the hand...yes, I live in the ghetto and when in Rome....he finally chills out and starts acting like a human being and treating my father like a human. We are off to the ER where my younger sibling is meeting me...they text me to say they're there already and they "got this" got this? WTF do you got? I don't know really,,,,I'm just not having a good day so I don't know if I find this rude because it's rude or because I'm looking to tear someone's ass off. We go to the ER he gets checked by the doctor who tells us maybe we should go home as it's going to be a while...sibling wants to stay...I say ciao martyr..and home I am by just about 11 p.m. Awesome day! One more pregnancy test just to make sure and voila...piss on a stick..still negative and that's all folks.

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