Thursday, February 16, 2012


I grew up Catholic and I mean very Catholic...Catholic school, Catholic church, et cetera. I have been praying for quite some time..mostly all of my life though there were a few years where I tapered off and I began again in earnest when the "incident" at work happened and my fairy Godmother gave me the memorare of St. Bernard to say regularly. She was a nun for over 20 years and says it's one of the most powerful prayers so every night I've said this prayer for some time now and I credit Mary (the prayer is to Mary)for helping me quit smoking and keeping "D" and my nose's clean. I also pray to St. Gerard..patron saint of those trying to have a baby. Anyhow, the other day the chick that read my tarot introduced me to St. Therese so I've begun to pray to her..I definitely feel a connection. I just feel this absolute desperation at this point and other than prayer feel like there's no where to turn so I'm praying praying praying like a every thought it seems is a prayer. Obsessive huh? I don't care. I just need this and I feel as if I'm grasping at straws. I think this is one of the harder things of doing this alone...if someone else is in this with you, you can obsess, I'm obsessing solo and so would appear crazier than average..(ha, I made a little joke). Anyway, if anyone is reading this feel free to put in a word for me with the big Guy. I'm trying to remember to share the wealth as well and keep others in my prayers who are in the same boat.

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