Saturday, February 11, 2012

Which came first? The chicken or the egg...or some such crazy thing

I don't know if everyone has had this experience growing up, though I imagine some people have...When I was I'd say in about the 5th grade, we learned about incubators and how to incubate an egg and make it a chick. Well, in my class the teacher agreed to carry the experiment out, rather than just explain it, if someone agreed to take the chicks home...of course someone did..the guy's name was John and his parents were the kind of parents that volunteered for we got the eggs (not sure where as I'm pretty sure it wasn't the supermarket) and lo and behold..chicks. I don't know why that seemed so easy really. It wasn't like I had an Einstein as a teacher or special magic eggs. If memory serves me correctly, the incubator was really some hay and a lightbulb or some such thing. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this..why? Why is it so easy to make a chick and get good eggs but so difficult to make a person? Had 18 eggs retrieved yesterday..sounds good right? Well, only 5 were mature and only 4 fertilized. I got the call today. So now we wait and see if they survive and the cells multiply the way they should for implantation. I'm praying for 2...just 2 to be okay. I need this time to be my time. I know most people seem to get it on the 4th and I know I'm not special but I'm alone and I need this time to happen for me. It just makes sense that if it usually happens on the 4th try for couples trying with IVF (or so it seems to me) then it should be half that time for me. Not real sense but fair is square kind of sense...childish but that's how I feel right now.

I took my friend Ling with me yesterday or I should say Ling took me. Word to the wise, when you're doing something so intimate and private, only take a best friend...(By the way, you can apply this rule to a million other areas of your life). Shouldn't have taken her. She was fine, nice, supportive, et cetera but it was just one of a million things on her day's agenda.....interesting but not the big deal it is to me (of course)..someone not involved in my every day life like Kay or Diana...even Lexi would have been a better choice but Ling kept asking to help and I feel like I'm relying too heavily on Kay and so I chose Ling..Next time..definitely Kay.

Anyhow, I call on Monday for the implantation day which they explained was most likely Monday.

Feelling not as optimistic, as I'd hoped for at least 8.....Greedy huh?.. but it's the truth so...

P.S.Started meds of Doxycycline yesterday (antibiotic) and Medrol (steroid).

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