Thursday, April 26, 2012

Resting among frustrations

Sometimes I wonder if I don't sabotage my own shit...I don't think I mean to. I started the day (of rest mind you) thinking I would install the router to my computer...the box says it's easy and two of my friends said..piece of cake 10 minutes why 2 hours later am I sitting with the cable guy on the phone having lost all internet connection and telephone connection crying like a child in frustration? And then I think I'm going to do a little cleaning as it always makes me feel better when the house is nice. I took it slow and made sure I didn't exert myself or overheat. I guess my thinking is laying on the couch is not going to improve my chances from what I've read and several sites say you should do some activity though nothing to taxing. House cleaning was one of the can do I know there are a lot of articles that say none of this and none of that but my doctor said I can resume all activity including sexual intercourse though in my case there's nobody around here to resume that with so...Anyhow I cleaned, got over the router shit, had a friend over for dinner..I cooked but had to order chinese as I'm no chef and it was was just okay..not suitable for company really...damn weight watchers recipes! Anyhow my friend came over stayed til a little past 11 which was nice and I tried again with the go. Shit happens and fuck frustrating. Anyhow that was my first day with 5 embryo inside and I hope they all stayed safe...and that they grow...please grow. Don't know if this was on the news all over the U.S. but it was here in NY so I thought I'd share as I found this particularly interesting especially after the balling out I received from my holier than though doctor. A teacher, I believe in either NY or NJ who worked in the Catholic school system was fired for trying to conceive a child with her hubby via IVF. The Bishop or whoever said that IVF was evil and went on to spew a whole bunch of other crap. Not for nothing and I'm Catholic but who the heck died and left this guy boss. I'm all for Priests and nuns teaching about religion but sometimes I just think how can they make statements like this really, with any sort of conviction? What happened to God helps those who help themselves, He who is without sin cast the first stone, et cetera et cetera. I don't believe that God is against this..I just don't. I think that life is life and things have changed and progress itself is His will. Not going to get too into it as I do not like discussing religion; it's too personal and private and I'm somewhat twisted I suppose as though I call myself Catholic I'm sure there are those that might disagree...whateva for you people!

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