Thursday, April 19, 2012

What you got there doc?

So I've had a sneaking suspicion that my doctor, yes my RE, is pregnant. Of course she is! If she wasn't such a doll and when I say a doll I mean she just couldn't get any close to an angel as humanly possible and if you follow my posts you know this is something I say about practically no one else..she's a doll..and if it wasn't for that fact, I'd be jealous. I went in today to see her as I believe I mentioned they called me yesterday last minute to come in this morning and as I sat in the waiting room with only one couple I started to worry. I was thinking...please don't put me in an office..if I'm in an office that means there is something wrong with my levels and this is not a go..please don't put me in an office... and then some chick I'd never seen calls me in and I'm in an exam room. Whew!! Here comes Dr. B who explains she did my levels but wants to just use measurement of the follicles to determine when I'll go..this is something different as they usually just use she goes in and does her thing and all the while I'm trying not to look at her stomach and be so obvious but I catch a glimpse and unless she suddenly began binge eating..the girl is preggers..she also used a manila file to cover her abdomen..weird but maybe she thinks it'll be painful. Though I wasn't jealous, I found I had to close my eyes while she examined me as this cycle and maybe this isn't something new, I find that I cry at the drop of a hat so I had to close my eyes and focus on not thinking about it in order not to cry. Shit happens and listen, if I was a baby and had a choice for a mom, she looks like she'd be a great one so God bless, and really it only hurt my heart a little..still hurts my heart a little. Aside from that I feel like I'm about to get my period any second..I'm bloated as all hell and my ovaries are quite apparent to me in terms of location. She saw about 14 follicles today ranging from 14's to 17's. She said my retrieval will be Sunday which is perfect for me schedule-wise and hopefully my transfer (God willing) will be Wednesday. Kay said this was all fine with her and a better friend a girl could never have..who the hell would rearrange their whole schedule amidst all the chaos that is her own life, just to help her fat single friend have a baby? Nobody that's who. I'm not even that nice I don't think. She is also one of those great and kind people who is just a giver by nature. I'm very lucky I know. So that's it. That's where I am in my life. Tonight I take Menopur and Lupron, which was a surprise as they made me skip the Menopur this a.m....tomorrow I take the Lupron, follistim, and Menopur in the A.M. and the trigger sometime at night. I'm still overall feeling chill. Went to acupuncture today and I get a feeling the acupuncturis is a bit lazy and really doesn't give a shit about me and my dream but whateva folks as I got other shit going on. So onward as usual.

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