Thursday, August 18, 2011


I have so had enough with these chicks at work. This week I have had two subordinates tell me off, making accusations against me and all kinds of shit. Of course after they upset me and leave me shaking they apologize.. what the fuck is wrong with these bitches!!! What is wrong with these people? I don't know. I came home early today thank God and was just waiting to get inside to friggin cry. I get so mad at myself as I wish I could do a better job of telling them off. I go back at them I do but not enough to really make me feel satisfied as I can't. I've decided I'm going to start documenting this shit. If it accumulates I'm going to write them up even if my supervisor isn't supportive..I can't take it any more. So sick of them. Just have had enough.

1 comment:

  1. Are the subordinates younger? I've noticed that the generation younger than me has fewer social skills and do not think before they speak. Not an excuse for them though and if you write them up a few times maybe they'll learn some professional habits.
