Saturday, November 26, 2011

Really Universe? At WW?

So I wake up at the crack of ass this morning to get ready to go in for prelinaries at the hospital. Drop Tess off at my mother's house, and drive an hour through New Jersey following my GPS system. Get there...wait...wait...get a nice nurse who weighs exactly the same as me she tells me and also tells're not morbidly obese according to the guidelines...well isn't that nice..and in a way it know there are people with bigger weight issues out there. The experience as a whole was more pleasant than anything else and I get out of there on time to make it to my 10:30 Weight watcher's meeting..lost a pound..woo hoo...did I mention I gained 4 last week..shit. Anyhow, as I enter, the meeting leader who I think secretly hates me..(I really do)..mentions as she's flashing through her want to see a picture of my new baby..she's not talking to me so I keep walking and flashign through my head car..could be anything but the end of the meeting yes, you guessed it..fucking meeting leader is pregnant with her second child...well God bless.. I mean really! Really God?! Well isn't that fucking so typical? I came home, put a pot of coffee on and vaccuumed my rug because what else is there to do? I left Tess at my mom's..I figured why should she stew in my misery when she's got her 2 dog cousins at my mom's to play with and my sister's who love her..Am I whining and sounding like a baby..maybe..but really I'm sick of this shit...really sick of it.. It's always someone else getting married, having the fucking baby, buying the beautiful fucking house, winning the fucking lotto, and Lord knows I've been blessed with a good job good education good brain but I'm fucking alone!! afuckinglone and I don't really get that...why go through all of this shit if it's just to end up alone? It's so hard to stay positive sometimes. I know I have to keep the faith but sometimes I think this is a cruel joke the universe is playing because okay, you don't want to give it to me or it's not in the cards for me but can you please not have it all around me...surrounding me..drowning me in this shit? Really? Is there no safe place? Can't take much more of this really. It's fucking killing me.

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