Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It ain't all bad

A couple of days a week, I go into work early..these are my favorite days as it gives me a minute before anyone is around and I get to leave everyone behind when I leave early. Today I went in early got a few things little back and forth with one of the crazy girls at work which was somewhat upsetting but it passed and the therapist I had called yesterday called me back..again. I was surprised as, like I stated previously, she didn't sound overly enthusiatic about making the appointment but I should stop being so presumptious and just go with the flow at times. I have an appointment for next Thursday at 5 right by my job so it works out. It'd work out better if it was at 415 but hey... Anyhow, I'm hoping it goes well. As crazy as I feel sometimes and as much as I don't always trust my judgment anymore, I know I made the right decision to leave the other chick. I have to stop trying to cram the square into the circle, and just trust what my gut is telling me. For whatever reason when this new chick called me, Sinthia with an S!..judgement!..I felt better..not sure why but I did and my day went better. I had the cable company come out and move the tv from one side of the room to the other, tipped the guy who seemed a little freaky and not at all friendly to Tess, and tried to relax for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow I'm going in early again and hope it goes just as well. I basically just stayed away from everyone.

I forgot to mention that yesterday I got a text from Mattie that she was putting in her 2 weeks notice as she was overwhelmed. I told her we'd talk today when she came in but, of course, she called out. She does this a lot but for whatever reason, it doesn't bother me all that much. I spoke to her today and suggested she put in a leave rather than quit until she can get a hold of her personal life. She called the director of her agency who agreed and then called to thank me. There are times where I like when she's there and times when I don't but for whatever reason, I always feel better when she's around even if her lotion smells like rotten fruit and her food stinks to high heaven and stinks up my office. I think she came at just the right time, and like with so many other things and people in my life, I can't help but be grateful to God for giving me things/people who propped me up at a time where I felt like I couldn't stand on my own. Mattie was one of those props and I'm sure I mentioned before, I think the feeling is mutual.

Anyhow, carpel tunnel setting in so...

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