Thursday, September 8, 2011

Over the edge of irritable

Okay, so this has to be the Follistim or however you spell it. I've spent the entire day with just Tess and I'm irritable as hell. Had only one brief positive conversation by phone and I want to rip people's head off. Who you ask?..oh well people on FACEBOOK which is stupid, as it's people I don't know, not doing anything in particular,...just feeling like they're know it alls,..which I know they're not but want to rip their heads off anyway..this ain't good. We have 6 more full days to go on this shit and I have a block party with the WHOLE!!!!! family on Saturday..Ugh!! The only real upset I had today was I found a tick on Tess which I was shocked to find as #1 she's never had one before and #2 the vet changed her flea/tick preventive to something that supposedly kills ticks very quickly (vectra it's called)..took the little blood sucker off with a tweezer but it really freaked and skeeved me poor if she's got any nourishment to spare..She threw up again today..scares me. Also worried about continuing with these meds..will talk to the doc tomorrow..I have ativans from last year if the shit gets really bad but I try not to take them..actually not even sure they're still good. Have almost the entire bottle from the original script left that's how scared I am of getting hooked on prescription crap. Anyhow...hands hurt and crabby so...ugh

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